What Are the Benefits of Lighting as a Service with Lighting of Tomorrow?

Stop paying So Much to Power Your Lights

When you’re thinking of making an investment in your property, lighting might not spring to your mind – but it should. Upgrading your lighting to LED is a money saver that has a lot of potential. With the advances in technology available today, if you’re not using LED, you’re already paying too much in energy costs. Month after month, the cost of waiting adds up.

Though, upgrading your lighting to the latest fixtures can take a good chunk of cash that you probably weren’t prepared for. If you weren’t already budgeting the funds necessary for that conversion, it may seem like just another unexpected expense on the waiting table.

While buying the lights outright is an expense and leasing the lights is a hassle you don’t want to comprehend, we’re glad to say those are not the only options! Lighting of Tomorrow now offers Lighting as a Service – intended to get your property up and running with the latest technology at no cost to you!


Lighting as a Service

Qualifying properties have a massive opportunity here. Lighting of Tomorrow pays for all the upfront costs – lighting design, product purchase, and installation costs. At $0 down, your property is outfitted with a brand-new lighting system including parking lot lighting, outdoor commercial lighting, warehouse lighting, indoor office lighting, or vapor tight garage lighting. To make it even more worth your while, during the entire duration of your contract, we are on call to maintain your lights. L.o.T. invests in your business and takes care of the costs.

After installation, you pay an affordable monthly payment calculated based on your energy savings. We agree on the fee immediately after initial inspection so there are no surprises going forward. Your rate is locked-in – even if energy costs eventually increase, your payment doesn’t. Keep the savings!

There are a lot of reasons to consider LED lighting and L.o.T. wants you to start reaping the benefits of this amazing technology. Your budget doesn’t have to stand in the way of a great investment in your property. 


Upgrade Now for $0!

No Product Fees, No Installation Costs, No Maintenance Fees.
We take care of your lights for 5-years!


With L.o.T.’s Lighting as a Service program, you receive:

  • A brand-new LED Lighting System at $0 down
  • FREE Installation
  • On-call, ongoing maintenance
  • Energy Savings
  • Better lighting
  • Improved visibility for customers, employees, and security cameras.


Read more:

F.A.Q.s Frequently Asked Questions About Lighting as a Service

Increased Business, Safety, and Property Value – Why switching to LED is Money in Your Pocket

Target's Move to LED Impacts the Eco-Economy

BUILD Magazine Recognizes Local Business Lighting of Tomorrow for Eco-Efforts

Led lighting