Why Upgrade To Next Generation LED Lighting – Lighting of Tomorrow
Why Upgrade To Next Generation LED Lighting

Ever wonder what an LED light is? It comes from the acronym LED (Light Emitting Diode) translated light emitting diode. It is a solid semiconductor body of high resistance that, when receiving an electric current of very low intensity, emits light efficiently and with high performance. This is achieved by incorporating a series of circuits to the bulb itself, that are responsible for regulating the passage of electricity and, consequently, it is achieved that these bulbs work. LED bulbs can be used in any appliance or electrical installation since they can be adapted to both traditional and modern sockets. Today you can find LED bulbs of almost any type, which makes it an affordable technology and easy to incorporate into our daily lives.

A little history

 In 1879 Thomas Alva Edison invented and patented the incandescent light bulb. Thanks to its discovery, for more than a century we have enjoyed the lighting. That is finished, since in September 2012 the incandescent technology stopped manufacturing in the EC.

The motives?

Mainly 2, the first one is its inefficiency! Did you know that these types of bulbs only take 10% of the energy to light? 90% is transformed into heat. It is as if we drink a bottle of water and the rest of the contents we throw away.

The second, its reduced life of only 1,000 h. It makes it inefficient (just six months with an average of 5.4 hours per day). The most recent technologies have proven to be much more efficient and less polluting, among which undoubtedly the most valuable is the LED Technology. The useful life of LED lighting products is up to 30 times more than that of an incandescent lamp, 25 times more than that of a halogen, 30 times more than that of a fluorescent tube and three times more than that of a low consumption lamp. Most indoor LED lighting lamps have an average life of 30,000 / 50,000 hours. Therefore, you will have purchased up to 25 conventional halogens before replacing an equivalent LED.


But how much is saved with energy saving LED light bulbs

Through 3 ways you see the savings. In the electrical consumption measured in W / h. It saves up to 80%.


Why should we use LED lighting

Home professionals tell you the advantages and economic savings of installing LED bulbs in your home. Check out all the sections, the keys and the benefits of having this LED lighting technology in every corner of your spaces. Do not miss it and share the savings with your friends!

LEDs on TV. LEDs on the clothes. LEDs in each small wall light, in stores, in museums, in toys and what not?  LED has dominated every corner where a point of light is required. It is because almost everything related to Light Emitting Diode technology (semiconductor diode) for real advantages.


LED light vs. HPSL (traditional light)


LED technology (Light Emitting Diode) consists of semiconductors that need very little energy to illuminate efficiently. The LED technology has taken its most recent step with white light LEDs that can replace light bulbs, mainly because they consume up to 90% less electrical energy against previous technologies such as incandescent. The durability of LED technology is measured in hours of use and in the case of our technology the strength is 50,000 hrs.

So, if you are still one of those who uncurls traditional light bulbs at home, pay attention because after reading this, you are going to do it for the last time:


1.    It is safer than traditional light because it is less polluting. It does not have mercury. Also, it reduces CO2 emissions by 80%.


2.    It lasts much more: up to 45,000 hours of use (more than 15 years), with minimal maintenance.


3.    It does not produce heat. It does not burn 80% of the energy consumed becomes light, unlike the incandescent bulb.


4.    Energy saving (consume up to 85% less than traditional light bulbs). In the electricity bill, you will save between $ 50 (compared to an incandescent) and $ 275 (with a halogen).


5.    Led resists extreme temperatures than incandescent bulbs, plus higher humidity and vibrations.


6.    Instant ignition.


7.    Resistant to a considerable number of cycles without detriment to its performance (the times it turns on and off).


8.    Reproduces colors with high fidelity, with a chromatic index of 80 over 100. It also has different shades of light (cold, warm) to adjust to all kinds of environments.


After all these reasons, the only question that needs to be asked is how will I choose my new LEDs and how do I install them? Well, very easy:


Installation Tips:

Replacing an incandescent bulb with an LED lighting is the same. Of course, in the case of halogens, we must check the voltage and type of anchoring, selecting in the store the same characteristics for our new LED.

•    If the halogen is 12 V, we will need an LED with transformer, unlike if it is a 230 V bulb.

•    If you want to replace a fluorescent tube with an LED, you have to remove the transformer (or primer), and the ballast. After it, you can connect the tubes directly to the 220 V network.


What is of the color?

There are three types of light: warm white, cold white and pure white.


Eye to the angle of opening of the light

This data tells us the angle that will be able to illuminate our bulb. Although its origins, today we find LED lighting products with a wide opening angle that allow us to even illuminate a whole room. With bulbs of an opening angle of 40 degrees, we will obtain a more focused light, perfect to brighten specific points: a closet, a showcase, a painting. For a room, however, we will need a bulb with 120 degrees of opening. Although we may need to use more than one bulb if the dimensions are more significant than usual.


And, for note.

If you have arrived here, you are already welcome to the fan club of lovers of smart technologies, practices and that help us save. That's why you'll like to know that the LED is not as recent as it seems: it was invented in 1962 by the American engineer Nick Holonyak. Its red LED became the almost official on/off indicator for all types of electrical appliances. The white LED took considerably longer to arrive. It was in 1993, and since then he began to conquer the home thanks to all these advantages that we have told you today. What do you say? Do you also aim for the intelligent saving of the LED?


Why use LED lighting in your business?

The LED lighting is a technology that is increasingly advancing more and more, especially in recent years, in which it is positioning itself as the best bulb par excellence to be used in all places, including companies, offices, and factories, since it has a lot of benefits, compared to other bulbs such as incandescence. The main reasons why LED  energy efficient products are much better than other bulbs, is due to energy reasons, but also has a lot of economic benefits, something essential especially for business, in which we spend many hours with the lights on and what better to save money and also to help protect the environment. Next, we are going to see some benefits of using LED bulbs in your business.


Benefits of LED lighting products

To begin with, one of the main benefits is energy efficiency, since LED lighting consumes less energy and produces more light than conventional lighting. So you can hire less power in your company, and you will save up to 80% of energy and money. Also, LED lighting has a duration fifty times longer than incandescent bulbs, so this will also help us save, although at the beginning they are a little more expensive, it ends up being worth it.

•    The LED lighting is very beneficial primarily if you work with computers in your company, as they offer a warmer light and greater clarity.

•    They are perfect for contributing to the global warming of the planet, as LED bulbs emit very little heat and light more.

•    It should also be noted that they are not harmful to the environment since they do not have toxic products and therefore do not pollute.

•    LED bulbs offer a wide variety of different colors, from some lamps with hot colors, to bulbs with cold light.

•    It is essential that in companies we take care of the health of our workers, for this LED lighting is ideal, since they do not emit ultraviolet or infrared rays, so it does not tire to the eye, does not damage the cells of the body, and they are not carcinogenic.

For companies that are dedicated to the construction and to carry out works, it is also a good option, since they are very resistant to external agents, such as blows. Finally, we must emphasize that thanks to the installation of LED lighting in your company, you will be fulfilling the corporate social responsibility of your business, since they meet the RSC requirements.


Why use LED energy efficient products

One of the technologies that have become popular more generally in recent years are LED bulbs. These types of light bulbs can be found in many of the electrical objects that surround us today, from lamps to decorative objects or electronic devices. However, do you know why using LED lighting is good for the planet? If you want to discover a little more about how these types of light bulbs work and what makes them better than traditional light bulbs, and even those with low consumption.


What are the advantages of LED bulbs


•    Greater energy efficiency

When talking about energy efficiency, reference is being made to the fact that the energy consumed is made as efficiently as possible. When a light bulb is turned on, a part of the electricity is used to produce light, but another part is lost in the form of heat. In the case of traditional light bulbs, the electricity they use to produce heat is usually almost half. This means that half of the energy consumed by these bulbs is produced and paid for when it only serves to produce heat. On the other hand, in the case of LED bulbs, the use of electricity to produce light is 90%, which means that in order to illuminate the same room, it will consume 40% less energy than a traditional bulb.


•    They have a longer duration

Likewise, the useful life of LED bulbs is considerably higher than those of other types of bulbs. In the case of an incandescent bulb (the traditional ones), it is normal to last about 1,200 hours, and low-energy bulbs have an average duration of about 10,000 hours. While LED bulbs have an estimated duration between 30,000 and 50,000 hours, which makes them much more durable bulbs than any of its competitors.


•    They do not include toxic gases in their composition.

Also, another of the elements that must be taken into account when choosing LED bulbs against other types, such as low consumption, is that they do not have toxic gases inside. In the case of low-energy bulbs, one of the natural gases that can be found inside is made of mercury, a metal very toxic to humans and animals. In fact, if a low consumption light bulb breaks, the first thing to do is open the windows so that the room is ventilated and pick up the rest with care not to breathe just above them. This with LED lighting does not happen, which is an essential element when it comes to protecting our health.


•    They are the most ecological that currently exist

Due to their lower energy consumption, as well as the absence of heavy metals such as mercury and lead, LED lighting products are the most environmentally friendly option for which we can opt for today.


Are LED bulbs more expensive than the others?

One of the debates that can arise regarding the use of LED bulbs is about their price. It is true that, in comparison, LED bulbs are a bit more expensive than traditional or low consumption of similar lamps. However, we must bear in mind that, due to the advantages they have, they are much more recommendable to use than their competitors.

Also, from a purely economic perspective, it is true that a LED bulb can be approximately 10% more expensive than a low-energy bulb. However, taking into account its durability, for each LED bulb that we acquire we will have to purchase three low consumption, and around fifteen in the case of traditional light bulbs. In this way, even if the initial investment is slightly more.


Led lighting

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